Death of Salesman- Just in case you're too lazy too read
Willy Loman, a sixty-year-old traveling salesman, is having
trouble lately because he can't seem to keep his mind on the present. He keeps
drifting back and forth between reality and memory, looking for exactly where
his life went wrong. Having been demoted to a strictly commissions salesman, as
he was in the beginning of his career, Willy begins to wonder what missed
opportunity or wrong turn led his life to this dismal existence. Willy always
believed that being well liked was the key to success -- it's not what you
know, it's who you know. But now, as he nears the end of his life, he realizes
that the only things you can count on are the things you can touch. You can't
touch appointments and half-hearted sentiments. This was something that his
brother, Ben, a man independently wealthy by the age of twenty-one, tried to
tell him years ago. Despite this, Willy insisted that his success would come
from being well liked.
Throughout his life, Willy attempted to show his sons the keys
to success and to prepare them, or at least Biff, his oldest son, for
excellence in the business world. Willy pretended to be an important,
respected, and successful salesman to win the love and respect of his family
(and himself in some ways). He even started believing that he was as important
as he convinced the boys he was; whenever he couldn't live up to that
expectation, and reality contradicted the image he tried to put forth, his
whole life began to crumble. He realizes that he is a failure and he has wasted
his life. Not only that, but he has taught his sons the wrong things. Now Biff
is a bum who can't hold a job anywhere but in the West as a farmhand, and Hap
is a philandering assistant's assistant who is just as deluded about his
importance as Willy. Willy taught his sons the wrong things, and now their
lives are mediocre because of it.
Willy and Biff, although close when Biff was younger, are always
at odds because Biff hasn't lived up to Willy's great expectations for him.
Biff was never given the proper direction to fulfill these expectations. Willy
encouraged him only to be well liked and popular; Biff learned he never had to
work for anything or take orders from anyone, and as a result, he couldn't keep
a job in the business world. Willy even encouraged his boys to steal: another
reason Biff couldn't hold a job, because he kept getting in trouble for
stealing. Integrity was never an emphasized characteristic in the Loman house.
Now Biff has come home and he realizes that he's just an ordinary guy who was
meant for a life outside the business world. He is happy only when he is honest
with himself. This realization prompts an entire overhaul of the values taught
to him by his father, and Biff wants to expose the lies Willy has been telling
for years. Willy won't have it. After a series of long arguments, Biff decides
it's best if he leaves for good; he will never fulfill his father's dreams, nor
will he convince Willy to confront reality.
Willy, now unemployed and completely broken down, decides that
he must do something magnificent to prove to Biff his life wasn't useless and
completely wasted. Feeling he will be of greater value dead, he kills himself
so that Biff can use the insurance money to start his own business. His son
will consider his father a hero, and appreciate the sacrifice that he made for
his son. He also wants to prove that his importance and success as a salesman
was not fake, expecting a grand funeral attended by many buyers in New England
(similar to the funeral of Dave Singleman). It doesn't work out that way. The
insurance doesn't cover suicide and only Willy's family and their two neighbors
attend the funeral. In the end, Willy's legacy is one of a broken man, whose
life had become a sad failure.
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