Cara mengurangi stress yang kian terlupakan

Many cultures have secret ceremonies whereby one may find or summon one’s spiritual advisor; and, of course, everyone has a different concept of the appearance and/or mode of communication of this personage. For most, it is an automatic and unconscious process, but when coupled with the power of imagination, it becomes a powerful ally. It may be the memory of a beloved relative that appears to counsel us, or a combination of several people who have had a powerful or guiding influence, or even a figure from history. it may even be the little voice of our conscience which keeps us out of trouble most of the time, that whispers in our ear- As long as we are aware of the benevolent and guiding nature of these advisors, we may be assured of their assistance and support. The more frequently they are consulted, the more influence they can have and the greater the ease with which they may be contacted.

History and experience have shown that whatever form these imaginary friends take, they have certain common characteristics. Since they represent authority figures, all are firm and honest in their advice and directions. Since they are the idealized creation of a teacher or sage, they are never upset or angry; and their explanations, or the flashes of insight that they provide, fully answer and explain any question. This invariably has a calming effect on the practitioner and helps to allay any fears or anxiety that may be present. Lastly, since they are friends, they possess a sense of irony and humor. This enables us to see ourselves as others see us, and realize that most of our problems are self-induced and really of little consequence in the scheme of the universe. This leads to humility.

In the 1920s and ’30s, the United States was inundated by spiritualists and mediums who claimed miraculous curative powers far beyond those of mortal men. They possessed, or so the story goes, a "spirit guide" from beyond this human plane, with whom they communicated while in a deep- trance-like-state. During these manifestations, the spirit guide was able to speak through the medium’s voice, although the voices of each were distinctly dissimilar. We shall not attempt so profound a materialization at this juncture, but it should be noted that these mediums were merely persons who publicly acknowledged their imaginary friend.

There are hundreds of meditation techniques that help one contact one’s spirit ally. Each relies on artificially altering the chemical state of the blood, either by deep breathing (hyperventilating) or holding the breath (hypo ventilating). Each must be practiced carefully, lest the increased oxygen in the bloodstream make one conscious of the heartbeat. In many cases, this leads to anxiety; but that is easily calmed by simply holding the breath for a moment. Charlatans frequently insist that the resulting phenomenon is the result of some manipulation of their own, when in fact it is a simple physiological effect.

By presenting only the most rudimentary method here, one which, practiced patiently over a long period, will lead the curious to discover any helping agent that may be required. Rudyard Kipling wrote, "There is a certain calming influence that one may experience by the mere assumption of a comfortable position and the slow repetition of one’s name." Likewise, such a practice also develops an awareness and understanding of self. But before one requests of the Hidden Masters; an ally-one who may act as sentry, scout, or spy, who is in contact with the Universal Mind of all mankind, and who has access to all things and all knowledge, hidden or revealed-one must make some preparation.

The degree of detail which is attributed to the ally contributes greatly to its realism and subsequent effectiveness; nevertheless one should not become so enamored of the fantasy relationship that it takes precedence over reality. Instead, one should be like a child making believe, pretending; one should suspend for a few moments the press of everyday life. This allows a certain surcease from the crush of responsibility, and that is called "reducing stress."



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